Xunzi selfie sexy underwear


With the development of social media and the Internet, selfies have become a popular culture.More and more women have begun to take selfies on social media and show their own appearance to the world.Among them, selfie photos wearing sexy underwear have attracted the attention of many people.Today, I will explore the selfies of sexy underwear with everyone.

Sexy underwear selfie

Sexy underwear is a sexy clothing that is often used by women to increase sexual interest between husband and wife.Sex underwear is usually made of silk, lace, leather and other materials.When women wear this underwear, they usually feel more sexy and confident.As a result, more and more women have begun to share selfies of sexy underwear on social media and the Internet.

Choose the right sexy underwear

Choosing the right sexy underwear is the key to successful selfies.First, you need to understand your body and dress style.Second, consider the information you want to convey.If you want to show your sexy, you can choose to disclose the skin’s Asian erotic underwear; if you want to show your sexy and elegance, you can choose European and American sex underwear.

Shooting posture and angle

When taking selfies of sexy underwear, the shooting posture and angle are also very important.First of all, you can shoot on the side to highlight your body curve; second, you can shoot from different angles to achieve different results.For example, shooting from top to bottom can shape a soft image, and shooting from bottom to top can highlight the curve of the body.

Use filter and beauty camera

Filter and beauty cameras can enhance your selfie effect.Filters can help you adjust the color tone of the picture, and the beauty camera can modify your skin.However, do not use these functions too much, otherwise your selfie photos will lose your sense of authenticity.

Observation and hint

Observation and hints are another part of self -timer sexy underwear.You can use it to cover up the parts you don’t want to show, such as your hips or waist.Impression can express your sexy and mystery without exposing too much skin.

Share and comment

Once you take photos of your sexy underwear, you can share them on social media or online platforms.You will get comments and likes by many people, and have a positive role in your self -confidence.However, be sure to pay attention to whether the photo is appropriate and avoid excessive exposure.

Social media specification

When sharing sex photos, please abide by the rules and guidelines of social media.Many social media platforms are not allowed to be too exposed. If you upload such photos, the platform may limit your account and cause your photos to be deleted.


Self -timer sexy underwear can be a effective way of expression, but pay attention to your identity and literacy.Choose the right sexy underwear, shooting posture and angle, using filters and beauty cameras, blocking and hints, and social media specifications are the main points that need to pay attention to when taking selfies.The most important thing is that self -confidence is the most beautiful decoration, which can make your selfie photos more charming.

If you want to learn more about sexy lingerie or purchase men’s or sexy women’s underwear, you can visit our official website: https://melbournelingerie.com