Women wearing fun underwear will wet underneath

The phenomenon of women wearing fun underwear

Women wearing fun underwear are often to increase interest, irritating pleasure or self -confidence.But many women will find that they become extremely moist after wearing sexy underwear, which is confusing and annoyed.So, why is a woman wet under wearing fun underwear?Is this phenomenon normal?Next, we answer these questions through 8 aspects.

Material selection

The material of sexy underwear is often softer and thinner than conventional underwear.Such materials will sweat more, especially for long -term wearing.However, if you choose uncomfortable and impermeable materials, it is easier to have a humid feeling on the lower body, which is also a bad impact on women’s health.

Size size correctness

Like conventional underwear, wearing sexy underwear also requires the right size size.Too small underwear can cause the problem of not breathable after the scar, and the poor blood circulation, which exacerbates the smell and humidity of the lower body area.

The length of the wear time

The length of time to wear sexy underwear is also a factor that affects this phenomenon.Because it is too long, the location of the sex underwear is not close to the disadvantage of the completely evaporation and volatile of moisture and moisture.As long as you take off your underwear or estimate the time to wear sexy underwear, this problem can minimize.

Type selection of underwear

The dampness problem is also closely related to the type of underwear. In addition to the fabric, the pants and inside materials also need to be selected.It is best to choose pure cotton or pure natural materials with better permeability. It has good breathability, strong humidity, and protects the cleaning and drying of the vestibular.

The influence of physical condition and health

A person’s physical condition and sexual health often have an important impact on moisturizing phenomenon.Poor physical condition or lack of habits to maintain hygiene can lead to increased moisture.It is recommended to insist on cleaning the liquid cleaning, timely replacement of pads, underwear and clothing in daily life to maintain good health and health.

Selection of sexy underwear style

The style of sexy underwear will also have a certain impact on the humidity phenomenon, because if you choose a style underwear with too tight or a large contact area, it will cause the smell and humidity to intensify, especially the warm underwear.

Water absorption and liquid stay in the underwear

When a long -term high -intensity exercise activity is performed, women are prone to excessive sweat problems in the lower body, and long -term moisture is particularly difficult to deal with at this time.It is recommended to conduct normal exercise, wear underwear with strong water absorption, and replace wet clothes, pants and pads.


Regularly cleaning underwear and cleaning lower body is a good habit of maintaining private and physical health.Pay attention to the selection of good texture underwear such as cotton, cotton, silk, etc. to make the private parts comfortable and clean.At the same time, it is also necessary to replace the pads frequently.

To prevent medical sciences

For the constant embarrassing and humid phenomenon, and based on its own physiological and medical conditions, certain preventive measures can also be taken.For example, some traditional Chinese medicines, herbs have insurance and nourishment, and can also adopt methods such as doctors or ordinary recuperation and rest in the hospital.


In daily life, it is not uncommon for women to wear a moisturizing underwear. However, from the perspective of medical health and hygiene, the moisture problem also needs to attract our attention.We should pay attention to the type of sexy underwear and panties with good texture, good texture, and establishing good hygiene habits and healthy living habits to prevent and solve moist problems.

If you want to learn more about sexy lingerie or purchase men’s or sexy women’s underwear, you can visit our official website: https://melbournelingerie.com