What is hand -sprinkled and sexy underwear

What is hand -sprinkled and sexy underwear

1. Definition of 衣 1 1

种 种 种 祙 is a very elegant sexy underwear. It is usually made of transparent mesh fabric and lace or silk. The bottom is equipped with a ribbon to adjust the size and shape.程 Interesting underwear largely reflects women’s beauty and sexy charm, which can increase women’s self -confidence and charm.

2. Features of Sprinkle Sprinkle Welling Underwear

Sprinkling sexy underwear is a kind of sexy underwear that removes complex decorations and metal buckles. Generally, there is no adjustment device or buttons. Instead, it is tied with ribbon and mesh fabric.In addition to the trend of fashion, the hand -scattered design will also bring a more relaxed and convenient sexy experience to the wearer.

3. Sprinkle the structure of sexy underwear

The structure of the hand -sprinkle is simple, and it is usually composed of three parts: breast holder, bra, and vest.Among them, the breast holder is the main part. Its design takes into account the characteristics of breast shape and size, making the breasts more upright and beautiful when wearing.

4. Sprinkle the difference between sexy underwear and other sexy underwear

The difference between hands and other sexy lingerie is that it uses a hand -bundled structure. There are not many metal buckles or buttons and other accessories to give the wearer more flexibility and comfort, and reflect the sexy and flexible of women’s sexy and flexibleness of women.sex.

5. How to match the hand -sprinkled sexy underwear

Pay attention to the overall style and occasions with hand -sprinking sexy underwear. For example, it can be paired with long -textured vests, solid color thin shirts, long skirts and other fashion items, so that you can emit your own unique charm in the streets and parties.

6. Applicable crowd of sexy underwear

Sprinkling in the hand is suitable for any woman, but it is more suitable for women with well -proportioned, tall and plump curves, because it can fully reflect the confidence and charm of women.


Interesting underwear needs to take certain maintenance measures, you need to pay attention to avoid contact with soap, laundry powder and other chemicals during maintenance.It is best to use hand washing or putting in a launder with a special washing bag and cleaning according to the guidance procedure.

8. Sprinkle the price of sexy underwear

The price on the market in the market is generally ranging from tens of yuan to thousands of yuan, with a large gap, mainly depending on the texture and process of fabrics.It is recommended to choose the hand -sprinkler underwear according to your own needs and economic conditions.

9. Recommended brands of sexy underwear

The well -known brands in the market for scattering the sexy underwear are: Calvin Klein, Victoria’s Secret, La Perla, etc.The hands of these brands are widely praised in terms of fabric comfort, details, and texture.

10. Summary

As a fashionable and sexy jewelry, the hand -sprinkled and sexy underwear has gradually attracted the favor of women.It gives more freedom and innocence, and at the same time, there is always a desire in the soul, longing for a more pure and noble feeling.Therefore, you can try your hands to sprinkle your hands and add more fun and fun to your life.

If you want to learn more about sexy lingerie or purchase men’s or sexy women’s underwear, you can visit our official website: https://melbournelingerie.com