The senior buys a sexy underwear and shows me novels for me

Scene reproduction

One night, I was watching novels in the dormitory. The senior came in and saw the novel in my hand and asked me what I was watching. I told him a little bit about it.Then he suddenly decided to buy me some sexy underwear.

Surprise gift

I’m a little surprised, I’m not sure if he is a joke.But a few days later, he really gave me some sexy underwear.I am very grateful in my heart, although a little shy.

Different types of sexy underwear

There are many different types of sexy underwear bought by the senior, such as beautiful women’s sexy underwear, sexy sexy underwear, adult sexy underwear, European and American sexy underwear, etc.Each style has its unique charm and characteristics.

Beauty sexy sheet

Beauty sexy underwear is mainly to show women’s beautiful body lines and curves through design and texture.The design focuses on uniqueness and modernity, and at the same time pays great attention to the sexy and aesthetics of women.

Sexy lingerie

Sexual feelings are focused on showing the sexy charm and confidence of women.The design pays more attention to the tight and smooth texture, and wearing them will make women more confident and aesthetic.

Adult sexy underwear

Adult sexy underwear refers to a sexy underwear specially made for adults. This kind of sexy underwear style is bolder and more exposed. It is suitable for those who dare to try and try.

European and American sexy underwear

European and American sexy underwear refers to a very popular sex underwear in the European and American markets, known for its diverse and fashionable.Different and other types of erotic underwear, European and American sexy underwear pays more attention to the reasonable and sexy performance of simple and sexy.

The fashion trend of buying sex underwear

Today, more and more women like to buy sexy underwear and regard them as one of the ways to show their charm and sexy.More and more underwear brands have also begun to launch sexy underwear to meet market demand.

Market demand for sexy underwear

With the gradual popularization of sexual culture, the market demand of sexy underwear is also growing.Young women are the main consumers of sexy underwear. They usually buy sexy underwear through the Internet, and they will also buy it.


The sexy underwear given to me by the senior is a very special gift. They show the unique charm and sexy beauty of women.At the same time, it can be seen that the demand for the sexy underwear market is growing, and they will be an important part of the future underwear market.

If you want to learn more about sexy lingerie or purchase men’s or sexy women’s underwear, you can visit our official website: