Suddenly wearing a sexy underwear AV

Suddenly wearing a sexy underwear AV


As a sexy clothing, sexy underwear is loved by many men and women.However, in some specific occasions, such as shooting AV, sexy underwear is one of the indispensable props.

Male AV actor and sexy underwear

Male AV actors often need to wear fun underwear to improve their visual experience and allow audiences to better invest in the character’s situation.

Female AV actor and sexy underwear

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Female AV actors also need to wear sexy underwear, which can not only create an atmosphere of temptation, but also play a role of shame in sexual performances.

The effect of sexy underwear on sex performance

Interest underwear can play a role in enhancing the effect of sexual performance, and presents the collision between physical and emotion to the audience through vision.

Types of sex underwear

There are many types of sexy underwear, such as sexy underwear, three -point underwear, semi -transparent underwear, SM utensils, fake penis, etc. Each underwear has specific use scenarios.

Falling underwear material

The material of sexy underwear usually includes silk, lace, leather, PU leather, mahogany and other materials. Each material has different texture and visual effects.

Size of sex underwear

The size of the sexy underwear is usually relatively small. You need to choose the appropriate size according to your personal body shape, otherwise it will affect the visual effects and comfort in unsuitable wearables.

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Falling underwear maintenance

Sex underwear usually requires special maintenance methods, such as dry cleaning, hand washing, low -temperature ironing, etc., do not clean it at will.

The purchase channel of sexy underwear

Interest underwear is usually not sold in shopping malls or supermarkets. Instead, it is necessary to buy in the sex shops or online malls, and to choose regular channels to ensure the quality.

in conclusion

Interest underwear is not only a sexy clothing, but also one of the essential props to improve the sexual experience.Choosing the right sexy underwear and use and maintenance correctly can bring more abundant sex experience.