Shu Qi 84 years of interest underwear video

1. Shu Qixiu’s short film in the 1980s

Recently, a video of Shu Qi showed sexy underwear in his early years.In the video, the young Shu Qi wore a sexy underwear, sexy and charming, and attracted heated discussion.

Second, the sexy lingerie style in the video

It can be seen from the video that Shu Qi has different sexy lingerie in the style, with sexy lace underwear, front buckle underwear, and split -type underwear.These underwear styles are all very popular sexy lingerie styles nowadays.

Third, the sexy charm of lace underwear

Lace underwear is a very common type of sexy underwear. The main feature of this style of underwear is sexy gathered, which fully highlights the beautiful body curve of women and more sexy and charming.Lace underwear reveals the charm of mature, which is even more exciting.

Fourth, the sexy effect brought by front buckle underwear

The front buckle underwear is currently a very popular type of sexy lingerie style. This underwear is characterized by the front buckle design. It is more convenient to wear. At the same time, the front buckle underwear is usually made of lace and silk.You can feel unusual sexy effects immediately.

Five, the sexy and charming of the split -type bottom pants

Open pants are a bold design in sexy underwear. The characteristic is a split -type design, which allows people to see the sexy charm of the underwear at a glance.The design of the split -type bottom pants and Shu Qi’s sexy figure highlight the beautiful figure of women.

Six, deep V -neck design sexy underwear

Deep V -neck underwear is a very special type of sexy underwear. The design of deep V -neck can best highlight the breast lines of women, show the perfect chest shape, and make women more attractive.When watching the video, you can see that many of the sexy underwear wearing Shu Qi have a deep V -neck design.

Seven, the way of wearing and matching of sexy underwear

Sexy underwear requires a certain amount of skills. Different underwear matching will have different effects. This needs to be determined according to the characteristics of your body and the style of sexy underwear.In the video, you can see that Shu Qi is very proficient in demonstrating the way and matching of many sexy lingerie, showing everyone the fashion, sexy and charming effects of sexy underwear.

Eight, sexy and sexy of sexy underwear

Interest underwear is a combination of fashion and sexy, and is an important way for women to show their charm.Different styles and designs of sexy underwear can show different charm of women, and the demonstration video also proves that sexy underwear really has a high sense of fashion and sexy charm.

Nine, the purchase and maintenance of sexy underwear

If you want to choose a good sexy underwear, the key is to choose the fabric and style that suits you.For example, you need to pay attention to the quality of the fabric and whether it is harmful. At the same time, you also need to choose the appropriate style according to your body characteristics.And maintaining sexy underwear is also very important. It should be cleaned and dry in time after each use to avoid deformation and damage.

10. Summary view

By watching the video of Shu Qixiu’s sexy underwear, we not only understand the various styles and designs of sexy underwear, but also feel the charm brought by the fashion and sexy combination of sexy underwear.Whether you choose to buy sexy underwear or wear, you need to choose the appropriate sexy underwear based on your body characteristics and the style of the underwear to show the best sexy charm!

If you want to learn more about sexy lingerie or purchase men’s or sexy women’s underwear, you can visit our official website: