Sexy underwear supplies

Sexy underwear supplies

1. What is sexy sheets

Interest underwear is a special underwear for enhancing sexual experience.Its style is different, usually made of soft and comfortable materials, with sexy, tempting and protection functions, and is designed to evoke personal skin and physical feelings.Its function is not limited to use in bed, but also as a type of ordinary underwear. It is worn in daily life.

2. Sex underwear type

Sex underwear can be divided into various types.Some of these common types include sexy underwear, adult underwear, BDSM underwear, role -playing underwear, cheongsam underwear, leather underwear and body clothes.Sexy underwear is usually the most popular type.They usually include perspective underwear, lace underwear, three -point underwear, hollow underwear, etc.Adult underwear is usually used for flirting and other sex activities.BDSM underwear is prepared for those who want to explore SM and slavery games.

3. How to choose the right sexy underwear

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Choosing the right sexy underwear is not a simple task.There are several aspects that need to be considered.First, you should choose a size suitable for your body.Second, choose the design and materials that are suitable for your personality and style.Finally, consider what this underwear is used.For example, if you want to wear it in bed, you still wear it as a daily underwear.

4. Quotation underwear materials

The material of sexy underwear is very rich, including a variety of different choices such as lace, cotton, silk, leather, latex.Each material has its advantages and disadvantages. Laces and silk are usually light and comfortable, while leather and latex are more strange.Choosing the right material can make you feel more comfortable, sexy and confident.

5. Suitable for sexy underwear on different occasions

Different erotic underwear is needed in different occasions.In bed, you may want to wear more sexy underwear, such as lace or see -through underwear to enhance your charm and attractiveness.But in public, you may want to wear more conservative styles.Different occasions need to be suitable for underwear.

6. How to clean up sexy underwear

Sex underwear usually needs to be specially careful when cleaning, because they are usually made of some damaged materials.However, you should follow the specific cleaning instructions of each erotic underwear.Especially for materials that need to be cleaned, such as leather and latex underwear, you should pay more attention.Before cleaning them, it is recommended to read the label information carefully.

7. Special styles of common sexy underwear

There are some special erotic underwear that is very suitable for those who want to explore novelty and challenges.For example, cats and women’s sets, nurses, flight attendants, police uniforms, etc.When trying these sexy underwear, it is recommended to start with simple styles and gradually try some more complicated and challenging styles.

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8. Falling underwear maintenance

Interest underwear is the same as other clothing. It needs good maintenance.Before storage, it is recommended to completely clean and dry the underwear to ensure clean and hygienic at the next use.In addition, when storing, the underwear should be kept in a dry and avoiding place to avoid direct sunlight to prevent the material from being damaged or fade.

9. The price of sexy underwear

The price of sex underwear varies from style, material and brand.The price of ordinary sexy underwear is usually between 100 yuan and 500 yuan, while high -end and complex BDSM underwear may exceed 1,000 yuan.When buying sexy underwear, you should choose the appropriate price range according to your own financial ability.

10. Sex underwear and sex relationship

Interest underwear is usually used to increase the intimacy and sex fun between partners.They add a sense of mystery and surprise to sex.In sex, sexy underwear is an creative expression of emotional connection and physical experience.Buy sexy underwear with your partner, try new styles and experience new feelings, helping to increase the intimacy between the two.

Viewpoint: Interest underwear is a good way to increase sexual interest and intimacy.They should choose according to their own personality, motivation and psychological needs. Suitable erotic underwear design and materials can bring a better experience and help build a sincere and benign relationship between partners.